V 1.1.5r2
- nhentai bugfixes
- nhentai downloads may finish downloading but report a problem. If you experience this, please tell us more about it.
- Downloading to SD card might not work for Lollipop users. We need more info on this so if you're affected by this, please do leave more info in the comments section or discuss on our google+ page.
- If your update fails, simply uninstall and reinstall Hentoid by downloading the latest version below.
- Older versions of Hentoid are being hosted on some other app stores but please be advised that those are not official and we cannot guarantee that they are safe to download or use. Only download new releases from here or our Github page.
Download Hentoid V 1.1.5r2 | Github Releases | Google+ community |
Everyone's ideas and help are always welcome.
- Shiro
Most of the manga that I'm downloading is definitely having errors still.
ReplyDeleteI'm going that this can get fixed, but I'd understand if fixing the problem takes a while or is never fixed.
Bug fixing can get difficult.
Hello. Sorry for the trouble. We just released a new version 1.1.5r3. Please try it and see if the bugs are fixed. If they aren't please do tell us more about it. What os is your device and what manga is causing these errors.
DeleteCant download to SD card. it says you're not authorized. is there a way to fix this?