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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Hentoid V1.1.4r4

UPDATE: V 1.1.5 is now available

V 1.1.4r4
  • More bugfixes!
  • Dropped ACRA support
Known Issues:
  • Fakku subscriptions are not supported.
  • Downloading to SD card might not work for Lollipop users. We need more info on this so if you're affected by this, please do leave more info in the comments section or discuss on our google+ page.
  • Please understand that there's nothing we can do about Pururin.
  • If your update fails, simply uninstall and reinstall Hentoid by downloading the latest version below.
  • Older versions of Hentoid are being hosted on some other app stores but please be advised that those are not official and we cannot guarantee that they are safe to download or use. Only download new releases from here or our Github page.
Download Hentoid V 1.1.4r4Github ReleasesGoogle+ community


     We'll be working on adding another source when we have the time. Everybody's busy with the holidays and work. Remember that this is open source so if you'd like to help in any way please do tell us!

Happy holidays -Shiro


  1. tsumino. com
    nhentai. net
    readhentaimanga. com
    e-hentai. org
    hentai2read. com
    hentairules. net
    hentai .ms
    hentaibox. net
    doujin-moe. us
    projecthentai. com
    luscious. net
    Ryuutama. com

    Just some suggestions for other sources. Hope it help

    1. Thanks man, it does help. It would be wonderful if we had more programmers too.

    2. I'd totally help if I was any good at programming.

    3. I'd definitely go for sine tsumino right about now.

  2. There is one problem I noticed : When a Download is connecting and you pause it the nortification is still there and connot be removed unless you force stop the application

    1. Thanks for the bugreport! Im testing this issue right now.

  3. Fakku stopped giving free content. Instead, all of the works there need subscriptions. RIP. Need update badly, and thanks for all the hard work of the developers 👍

  4. The app can support support external storage if you use a rooted phone and modify the system a bit look for a app called sd card fix on the play store

  5. Also Android now only allows apps to modify data in folders they have created, I think the app has issues in its dir creation function since if it worked correctly use could both create custom folders anywhere in the root of any storage device and use them in the app both of which are not working

    1. I got it working by creating a folder called me.devsaki.hentoid on my SD card in Android -> data. I could successfully change my download folder there and then download things. The only problem is that it seems like it is not able to read anything that wasn't downloaded to that specific path. So you have to re-download the hentai again to be able to read it in app.

    2. Yeah he would have to add a function to port data from other folders to make that work, but you can still use perfect viewer for the old stuff for you don't or can't redownload it.


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